The shifted Chebyshev series-based plug-in for bandwidth selection in kernel density estimation, 2567 - จุฑาภรณ์ สินสมบูรณ์ทอง
Depression, substance use and factors associated with sexual risk behaviors among adults living with HIV in the Asia-Pacific region, 2567 - ศิริญญา ธีระอนันต์ชัย
High mortality in adolescents and young adults with perinatally-acquired HIV in Thailand during the transition to adulthood, 2567 - ศิริญญา ธีระอนันต์ชัย
The operating-characteristic curve for x̄ control chart when the normality assumption is violated, 2567 - สุดารัตน์ นิจสุนกิจ
The shifted Chebyshev series-based plug-in for bandwidth selection in kernel density estimation, 2567 - ธิดาพร ศุภภากร
A generating family of unit-Garima distribution: Properties, likelihood inference, and application, 2567 - วินัย โพธิ์สุวรรณ์
Interplay of xenobiotic-degrading and antibiotic-resistant microorganisms among the microbiome found in the air, handrail, and floor of the subway station, 2567 - ลี่ลี อิงศรีสว่าง
Predictive model for Northern Thailand rainfall using Niño indexes and sea surface height anomalies in the South China Sea, 2567 - ธิดาพร ศุภภากร