Subjects list by M.S. in Statistics
01422512 Applied Statistics for Research 3(2-2-5)
Data collection. Data presentation. Measures of location and dispersion. Estimation. Hypothesis testing. Analysis of variance. Regression and correlation. Nonparametric statistics. Statistical quality control. Time series analysis.
01422513 Analysis of Categorical Data 3(2-2-5)
Distributions and inference for categorical data. Measures of association in multidimensional tables. Data analysis using loglinear models. Logit models and other models. Inference for ordinal measures of association.
01422514 Nonparametric Statistics 3(2-2-5)
Concepts of nonparametric statistical inference. Tests and estimations of location. Dispersion. Regression and association. Test of randomness and independence.
01422522 Statistical Computing 3(2-2-5)
Random number generation. Resampling methods. Maximum likelihood estimation. Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm. Smoothing methods.
01422523 Statistical Data Mining 3(2-2-5)
Concepts of statistical Data mining. Resampling methods. Linear regression. subset selection. Shrinkage methods. Dimension reduction methods. non-linear modeling. Classification. Tree-based methods. Support vector machines. Unsupervised learning.
01422524 Statistical Data Science 3(2-2-5)
Data cleaning. Regression and correlation analysis. Forecasting techniques. Discriminant analysis. Cluster analysis. Artificial neural networks. Big data analysis.
01422531 Statistics for Bioassay 3(3-0-6)
Direct and indirect biological assay. dose response curve, parallel line and slope ratio assay. multiple assay. quantal responses. probit analysis.
01422541 Probability and Statistical Theory 3(3-0-6)
Probability theory. random variables. distributions and moment of random variables. discrete and continuous probability distributions. multivariate distributions. distribution function of random variables. order statistics. limiting distribution. central limit theorem.
01422542 Inferential Statistics 3(3-0-6)
Pre: 01422541
Probability density function of order statistics. properties and methods of finding point estimator. interval estimation. concepts of hypothesis testing. Neyman-Pearson lemma. likelihood ratio test. chi-squared test. sequential test.
01422543 Sampling Techniques 3(3-0-6)
Type and estimation of sampling technique: simple random sampling. sampling with unequal probability. stratified sampling. systematic sampling. cluster sampling. multi-stage sampling. sampling errors.
01422551 Statistical Linear Models 3(3-0-6)
Pre: 01422541
Review of matrix algebra. distribution of quadratic forms. regression models. design models. component of variance models and its applications. parameters estimation and testing hypotheses.
01422552 Forecasting Techniques 3(3-0-6)
Concept to forecasting. statistics forecasting. smoothing methods. decomposition methods. time series regression. Box-Jenkins method. advanced forecasting models. accuracy of forecasting methods. choosing an appropriate forecasting method.
01422553 Statistics for Decision 3(3-0-6)
Pre: 01422541
Decision problems and decision criteria. Risk. utility and loss. prior information and subjective probability. Bayesian analysis. minimax analysis. decision in multiple stages. sequential decision.
01422554 Data Analysis and Regression 3(2-2-5)
Simple and multiple linear regression models. Theory of inference
in regression analysis. Diagnostics for regression assumptions. Problems in regression analysis. Regression analysis with matrix. Model selection. Nonlinear and logistic regression models.
01422555 Multivariate Analysis 3(2-2-5)
Multivariate normal distribution. Inference about one and two population means. Multivariate regression analysis. Multivariate analysis of variance. Principal component analysis. Factor analysis. Discriminant analysis. Cluster analysis.
01422561 Experimental Design 3(2-2-5)
Principles of experimental designs. Experiments for a single factor. Model checking. Block designs. Factorial experiment. Nested designs. Split-plot designs. Analysis of covariance.
01422562 Response Surface Design and Analysis 3(2-2-5)
Model building. Checking model adequacy and collinearity problems. Factorial designs. Fractional factorial designs. Process improvement with steepest ascent and descent methods. Analysis of second-order response surfaces. Mixture experiments.
01422571 Life Insurance Models 3(3-0-6)
Theory of interest. survival distributions and life tables. life insurance. life annuities. benefit premiums. benefit reserves. multiple life functions. business and regulatory considerations.
01422572 Casualty Insurance Models 3(3-0-6)
Insurance and coverage. rate making. loss function. loss reserving. claim distributions. risk models. risk theory and application. experience rating.
01422581 Statistics for Quality Control 3(3-0-6)
Quality and quality improvement. Probability models for quality control. Statistical process control. Control charts for variables. Control charts for attributes. Other control chart. Process capability analysis. Acceptance sampling plan for variables. Acceptance sampling plan for attributes. Using software.
01422582 Operations Research 3(3-0-6)
Operations research techniques. Linear programming models. Simplex method. Two-phase method. Optimal solution. Revised simplex method. Dual problems. Transportation and assignment problems. Network analysis. Queueing models. Inventory models. Dynamic programming. Using software.
01422583 Simulation Techniques 3(3-0-6)
Generation of random variable. simulation process analysis. Monte Carlo simulation. random event simulation. simulation techniques in statistical studies. using computer software.
01422584 Statistical Reliability 3(3-0-6)
Coherent system. reliability of coherent system. reliability estimation. sample size determination. lifetime distribution. lifetime testing. accelerated lifetime testing. nonparametric lifetime testing methods. maintenance and replacement models.
01422585 Stochastic Processes 3(3-0-6)
Pre: 01422541
Principles of stochastic process. theory of Markov chain. stationary process. Poisson process. renewal theory. Markov process. harmonic analysis of processes.
01422591 Research Methods in Statistics 1(1-0-2)
Research principles and methods in statistics. problem analysis for research topic identifications. data collection for research planning. idenitfication of samples and techniques. Analysis. interpretation and discussion of research result. report writing for presentation and publication.
01422592 Statistical Consulting 1(0-2-1)
Practice in statistical consulting for various fields and problem solving with statistical methods. statistical consulting report writing.
01422595 Independent Study 3
Independent study on interesting topic at the master’s degree level. compile into a report and present in the final oral examination.
01422596 Selected Topics in Statistics 1-3
Selected topics in statistics at the master’s degree level. Topics are subject to change each semester.
01422597 Seminar 1
Presentation and discussion on current interesting topics in statistics at the master’s degree level.
01422598 Special Problems 1-3
Study and research in statistics at the master’s degree level and compile into a written report.
01422599 Thesis 1-12
Research at the master’s degree level and compile into a thesis.
Subjects list for other field’s students
01422511 Statistical Methods 3(2-2-5)
Concepts of statistics. Type of data and data collection. Descriptive statistics. Sampling methods. Inferences for one and two populations. Analysis of variance. Regression and correlation analysis. Analysis of categorical data.
01422521 Computer Software for Statistical Analysis 3(2-2-5)
Programming and statistical software. Data management. Use of statistical software for descriptive and inferential statistics.